When you experience regular pain and limited movement, you might want to heal your body as quickly and thoroughly as possible. At the same time, you may prefer to avoid prescription and over-the-counter pain medications because of their potential side effects.
To regain your regular movement without experiencing pain, you might benefit from chiropractic care. You may get the relief you need by visiting often with a quality and reputable provider like a chiropractor near me in Pittsburgh, PA.
Decompression Therapy
When you opt for this kind of care, you may undergo a process like decompression therapy to feel better. This type of therapy can manipulate slipped discs in your back into position and relieve pressure and pain in your spine. You may be able to bend over, sit, and otherwise move normally without experiencing crippling and limited motion.
Further, this type of therapy can spare you from having to undergo surgery to put herniated or slipped discs back into place. You avoid having to spend weeks or longer recovering from a debilitating and expensive surgery. You may be able to continue or resume your normal life without experiencing much if any, discomfort.
You also avoid having to rely on medications to feel better. You can strengthen and heal joints, bones, muscles, and other parts of your body without becoming dependent on pain relievers. You may find you feel and move better and enjoy better overall holistic health.