It is a sad fact that many children all over our country do not live in safe, loving homes. Children are removed from their homes for a variety of different reasons all the time. This may be due to the unexpected death of their parents, being abused in their homes or simply by their parents not providing for them as they should. These children may spend most of the remainder of their childhoods living in foster care. Many of these children become much happier living in foster care. They now have stability and a sense of a place they feel they can call home. In some cases, the foster family becomes their permanent family and these children go on to enjoy happy, successful lives.
In fact, foster adoption in Tucson AZ is not uncommon. Both the foster parents and the foster children may feel they want to make their relationship more official. If a child is happy and developing well in a foster home, there is a great possibility that the foster parents will have the first option to adopt the child. However, this is not a quick process. Before the child is eligible for adoption, the rights of the birth parents must be relinquished. This can be done willingly by the birth parents, or ordered by the state the child resides in if the birth parents have been found to be unfit.
Once those rights have been relinquished, finding an adoptive family for the child is the goal. If the foster parents have been providing care for an extended length of time and they wish to be considered, it is very possible that they may gain the ability to adopt the child. Of course, the history of how well the child has adapted to living with the foster parents will be considered. If it is found that the child is doing very well in the home and both the foster parents and the child wish for this adoption to take place, A Place To Call Home a foster adoption in Tucson, AZ is a great possibility. This is very beneficial for both the child and the foster parents because they have already become well acquainted with each other and most likely developed a strong, loving relationship with each other.