The country is facing a serious issue with nursing home neglect. It often goes flies under the radar, but a lot of senior citizens are being mistreated and abused in homes that disguise themselves as friendly and caring facilities. It can be difficult to tell from the outside when a facility is participating in nursing home neglect, which is why it’s so important to watch out for some red flags that can appear.
In certain situations, it may be necessary to hire a nursing home neglect lawyer to sue the facility for neglect of senior citizens. Here’s how to look out for the warning signs of nursing home neglect.
- Lack of Sanitation in the Living Space
If living conditions are not up to par, there may be a serious issue at stake. The hygiene of the people and their living space is the most important thing that can indicate whether a facility is good or bad. The Federal law commands that senior living facilities be clean and safe for all individuals. If you suspect something is amiss, be sure to report it right away.
- Sudden Injuries
If the nursing home residents suffer from sudden injuries and unexplained pains, this may be another red flag that suggests foul play. Senior citizens may be subject to broken bones or sudden bruises from falling or tripping. The reason they get these injuries is because they are unable to get the assistance they need from care providers, so they attempt to do things themselves, which can be dangerous for their health.
- Lack of Personal Hygiene
If senior citizens are not taken care of, then they cannot take care of themselves as well. The nurses and staff members who run the nursing home are supposed to assist residents in maintaining good personal hygiene. Not all senior citizens can dress or shower themselves, or even brush their teeth or hair. If you notice several senior citizens with poor basic hygiene, this could be a sign that their basic human rights are being neglected.
- It’s Time to Take Action
If you spot the signs of nursing home neglect, you should take action right away. The lives of senior citizens deserve to have someone fighting for them. This is a crime against human rights and merits a very serious case. Our Grayslake nursing home neglect lawyer at the offices of Robert T. Eden, P.C. can help get you started with the materials and information you need to create a case against a neglectful nursing home.