The Three Best Trees in the Northeast for a Tree Service in Arlington to Work the Landscaping Around

by | Jul 26, 2017 | Landscaping

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Some of the best yard landscaping does more with less, and that is exactly the purpose of atmospheric landscaping. A Tree Service in Arlington will take a big approach to the landscape by creating a centerpiece-;a single tree or two that can act as the drawing point. The other areas of the yard will be minimized to take advantage of the beauty of the tree. So, what are the three best trees to act as a centerpiece in landscaping in the Northeast?

1. Dogwood

Dogwood has the exceptional trait of being in some state of blossom nearly year-round (except for the winter, of course). The blossoms are a mix of pink and white in the early spring as dogwood notoriously springs early. During the summer, the dogwood will remain captivating as the blossoms thicken during the summer. Eventually, it turns into a soft red late into the fall.

2. Magnolia

Magnolias are easy to maintain and they blossom big and bright. The best feature of the magnolia is its sheer size. Magnolias can reach 30 feet and sometimes taller, being a really gorgeous addition to the landscape. Magnolias also do not need a lot of maintenance. Magnolias may not thrive in the upper Northeast, so speak with a tree landscaping professional to learn of the success rate for magnolias in Boston.

3. Sugar Maples

Sugar maples really are showstoppers. By sheer scale, sugar maples can reach upwards of 80 feet in many instances. They are a fall treat. Sugar maples will glow brightly. If a postcard features nature and it comes from the Northeast, there is a very solid chance a sugar maple can be found somewhere in the frame. Sugar maples are also seen as a sensational ornamental tree. It is best during the fall. Some landscapers may complement a sugar maple with a strong summer tree for added effect.

A Tree Service in Arlington can take the above trees and create an atmosphere around them. It is best to keep the “quality over quantity” approach to landscaping by removing the trim and creating a centerpiece tree. Contact Cambridge Landscape to get the landscape looking exceptional.