There Is Good News for NYC Residents Dealing With Hair Loss

by | Jun 28, 2021 | Hair Restoration

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It can feel overwhelming, scary, and depressing when you start to see your hair falling out. You may notice areas that are thinning or that have gone completely bald. The good news is that there is a solution. A hair transplant in NYC may be just what is needed to help you get your hair back and boost your self-confidence.

Before having a hair transplant performed, a doctor is going to try to determine why you are dealing with hair loss. You may be dealing with this problem because of genetics. For example, many men deal with male pattern baldness because it is what their father and grandfather dealt with. Another example could be medication a person is taking or a health problem they are dealing with that has led to thinning hair or bald patches.

Once it is determined why you are dealing with the problem, the doctor will be able to offer a solution. A hair transplant in NYC may be right for a man or a woman. The procedure involves using a small dermal punch to remove hair from areas where there is healthy growth. The hair roots are removed from the area one by one. They will then be transplanted one by one into the thin or balding regions. Both scarring and down-time are minimal with this approach.

Interested in learning more? If so, visit Feller & Bloxham Medical — one of the best hair transplant clinics in New York with more than 20 years of experience in surgical hair restoration – at the following website: