Things to Understand About Centipedes in Marlboro NJ

by | Nov 22, 2017 | Pest Control

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Many people are nervous about or even downright phobic about Centipedes in Marlboro NJ, especially when they see one of these critters skittering around in the house. The sight of all those legs moving at a high rate of speed can be startling as the bug hurries under a closet door or into a dark corner of the basement.

When a Centipede Bites

Fortunately, centipedes in New Jersey are not as bothersome as those in other areas of the world. Property owners don’t have to deal with centipedes that are big enough to eat mice, which is something many residents of Australia occasionally see. In New Jersey, a person may occasionally get bitten by one of these insects, but the effect is minor compared to the bite from a poisonous Australian centipede. In the worst-case scenario, it might feel like a bee sting.

Centipedes in Marlboro NJ would just as soon not get into an altercation with humans. That’s obvious by the way they run at top speed to hide from these giant creatures that appear in their midst. A person generally has to make a centipede feel threatened before the bug will bite. This usually happens accidentally, such as when someone is working in a garden and comes across one of these bugs in the dirt.

The Preferred Centipede Habitat

In fact, centipedes usually prefer to live outside. Centipedes that reside in the northeastern United States most prefer to eat spiders, worms, and ants. They typically only venture indoors in search of water when the weather becomes very dry and nobody is watering the property where they live.

Once in the house, however, they are likely to stay there, producing their young and increasing the population. They can usually find plenty to eat in a home, including mites that humans are unable to see. Although this can be helpful for ridding homes of microscopic and visible pests, that usually is scant consolation to people who keep seeing the multi-legged creatures racing across the floor. Technicians from a company such as Freehold Pest Control can help when it seems like there is always a centipede underfoot.