Three Main Goals of Sustainable Landscape Design

by | Feb 27, 2023 | Landscaping

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If want an environmentally friendly landscape why not consider implementing a sustainable landscape design?  In Asheville NC, more residents and businesses are looking at this alternative to the traditional soft and hardscape approach. It is one way of reducing their environmental footprint.

Main Goals of Sustainable Landscape Design

In Asheville NC, landscape designers are working with the existing ecosystem to create designs that reflect certain principles – ones more in tune with the natural world and environmental concerns. Among the goals of these designers are the following:

  1. Water Conservation: By selecting specific drought-resistant plants and using such things as rainwater collection, water usage can be reduced, and irrigation may be eliminated. 
  2. Waste Reduction: A sustainable landscape design avoids using non-recyclable materials for construction. Yard waste is reduced by composting on-site. Grass cuttings are left in situ. 
  3. Decrease in Runoff: If the soil is allowed to compact, it restricts water absorption. Using mulch and planting appropriately will restrict and even prevent erosion and water run-off, and decrease the chances of flooding. In turn, by decreasing instances of flooding, you reduce water pollution.

Implementing Sustainable Landscape Designs The above principles and goals are implemented by employing activities that support and promote a sustainable landscape design in Asheville NC. They take into consideration the physical landscape. Actions such as grasscycling, water conservation and erosion control are all means of producing a landscape that conforms to an ideal that seeks to create an aesthetically pleasing landscape but never at the cost of the natural environment.