Three Situations in Which Personal Injury Attorneys in Kingston WA Will Be Key to Winning Your Case

by | Aug 14, 2014 | Law, Lawyers and Law Firms

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If you’re involved in a worker’s compensation case, you understand how frustrating it can be to try to obtain the settlement you need while seeking medical treatment for your injuries. The process can be overwhelming and confusing, but this is where hiring a team of quality Personal Injury Attorneys in Kingston WA can be of great help. Many worker’s compensation claimants miss out on an adequate settlement because they failed to recognize their need to hire a lawyer to help them. If you don’t want to be a part of that group, read on to find out when it’s absolutely necessary to get legal help involved in your case.

1. If your employer flat-out denies your claim, it’s definitely time for you to get in contact with an attorney. Your employer’s insurance company wants to save money. Unfortunately, they will sometimes do so at the expense of the worker’s, denying their claims or offering an unfair settlement in hopes that they won’t do anything about it. If you believe that you have a legitimate case, it’s a good idea to consult an attorney during the appeals process.

2. Those currently receiving social security benefits will need to know how to structure their settlement agreements so that the Social Security Administration will not be able to take most of the money you receive. An experienced attorney will be able to help you maximize your settlement so that you are getting everything you deserve.
3. Some employers become unjustly angry at workers who file compensation claims and try to retaliate against them for doing so. It’s important to realize that this is both unfair to employees and it is clearly against the law. If you were fired, demoted, harassed, or treated poorly around the time of your claim, call a lawyer to discuss your options for taking care of the matter.

If you choose to pursue your worker’s compensation case without the help of Personal Injury Attorneys in Kingston WA, you may have a long and difficult road ahead. Instead of worrying about the outcome of your case, click here to find out more info about how you can speak with a lawyer about your case. Not only will consulting legal counsel give you a fair shot at a favorable verdict, but it will give you peace of mind that you are one step closer to being able to put this frustrating situation behind you.