If you’re intimidated about meeting with a couples counseling therapist in NYC, don’t be. It’s perfectly normal to seek the talents of a couples counseling therapist, especially if you’re having problems. Relationships aren’t perfect. If anything, a relationship that seems too perfect on the surface probably has underlying issues that have yet to be discovered. Regardless, if you’re in a relationship and you and your partner are having problems, that’s actually good thing. A good therapist can fix any issue that a couple may encounter, and a therapist has many strategies at their disposal. Here are three strategies a therapist can use to fix your relationship problems.
Talking it Out
One of the primary tools a counseling therapist can use is a dialog session. It sounds very straightforward, but you’d be surprised how many couples don’t communicate effectively. Whether it’s a romantic relationship or a professional relationship, communication is key. It’s impossible to have a conflict-free relationship without proper communication. If you and your partner aren’t communicating effectively, a marriage therapist can help schedule a dialog session.
A dialog session is exactly what it sounds like. Rather than typical situations where you and your partner have an argument or just don’t talk at all, a dialog session will allow both sides to speak their piece. Both you and your partner will address their individual grievances, and after each statement, your couples counseling therapist will give you feedback. The therapist will work through each statement and give suggestions on how to improve communication between you and your partner.
Good Fights and Bad Fights
Rather than having unproductive, insult-laden fights, a couple’s counselor can teach you and your partner about having “good “fights. Bad fights are the fights you and your partner have when you’re both upset. Rather than identifying problems and fixing them, in a bad fight, you spend half an hour hurling insults and screaming. In a counselor’s office, you’ll learn about having “good” fights.
A good fight is a fight that’s passionate but also productive. This means both sides get to express their emotions and grievances. It not only identifies the problems you and your partner are encountering, but it allows both sides to vent and relieve tension. Don’t worry about a fight getting out of hand in the counselor’s office. Every session is closely moderated, and the couples counseling therapist will always interject and step in if things go a little too far.
Love Poems
Love poems are a great way to work out issues between you and your partner. They may sound corny and contrived, but a love poem is a great way to rekindle the passion in your love life. A marriage counselor will help you and your partner figure out ways to communicate more romantically using a poem, and ultimately, it will result in a much healthier, happier relationship going forward.