Three Things to Think About When Planning Your Will

by | Feb 10, 2020 | Lawyers

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If you’re looking for a wills attorney in Yucaipa, CA, you’ve got a lot of things to think about. Your will is your last and official testimony regarding who gets what when you pass away. It’s always best to put a will in place no matter how small you believe your estate is, as this can help prevent strife and lawsuits after you’re gone. Following are three things that you need to think about when planning your will.

Who Gets What

You need to be very clear and explicit about who gets what. If your goal is to create solidarity and peace once you’re gone, don’t use vague language. Being very specific about your intent can help protect your loved ones from future lawsuits.

Make Adjustments As Soon As Possible

One thing you need to do is remember to make adjustments to your will if your situation changes in any way. If you have an additional person that you’d like to add as a beneficiary, do so as soon as you make that decision. This way, your latest edits and changes will be included.

Who Will Be Your Executor?

Your executor will be the person who is in charge of managing your estate. This person could be your lawyer, or someone else that you trust. Make sure you figure out who this will be as soon as you can so that you know that your wishes will be honored.

Contact the Betty Auton-Beck Professional Law Corporation if you’re looking for a wills attorney in Yucaipa, CA.