Everybody needs a soul mate; it just makes life better. If you are still looking, here are some ideas that can help you get past the nerves and on to the business of finding out if your date is the one for you.
Ease First-Date Jitters
When lights are dimmed, wine is poured and an expensive meal before you, there’s a lot of pressure to make the date successful. Take the stress out of a first date by choosing a more casual setting. Try a lunch date in St. Louis at a favorite restaurant. You’ll see familiar faces among the wait staff, and the noise and crowds will ensure things stay casual so both of you can relax. You don’t have to eat on a date, though; try meeting at a bowling alley, mud run or miniature golf course. Any venue that gives you something to do while you’re getting comfortable with the other person is a good place to start.
First Impressions
First impressions are always important, so be sure to make eye contact, smile and focus on what the other person is saying. You may be tempted to play it cool, to act like this meeting is no big deal, but don’t. It’s your smile, your kindness and your warmth that really appeals to others. Don’t hesitate to send a text the next day to tell your lunch date in St. Louis that you had a good time.
Just Be Yourself
We’ve been getting, and giving, this advice all our lives. Because it’s true. Being responsive, or nice, shows you are concerned with your date’s welfare. This helps build intimacy and makes you more attractive to them. So let your personality come through.
You’ll always have some jitters when dating a new person for the first time. Making it a lunch date in St. Louis can help you get through it and get on with the business of building a relationship.