Many companies find themselves frustrated over just how much money they spend on chemicals. You may have found yourself moving from one supplier to the next trying to find a very good deal or discount. While you should consider buying cleaning supplies from a trusted provider capable of offering a good price, there are a few other things to keep in mind through this process as well. Specifically, consider how you can keep costs down while improving use.
What Training Do You Have in Place?
Every product you have comes in a bottle that provides instructions on how to properly use it. But, how many of your employees know these rules? If you are not getting enough out of your products, for example, you are running out too soon, your training program may be to blame. For cleaning supplies in Los Angeles County, focus in on what the chemical is, how it should be used, when it should be used, and the precautions necessary for doing so.
Your training program should focus on when and how to use every product you have. This includes getting the most out of each product – how long you can use it, how to use the last portions of it, and hot avoid wasting product. If you do not have a cleaning program in place yet, do so. It can help you shave costs off your janitorial supplies right away.
A bit of attention onto how your team uses cleaning supplies in Los Angeles County on a day to day basis can give you plenty of insight. Take some time to talk to each member of your team. Find out what they are using and how they are using it to know if you are overspending.