Tips for Investing in Surveillance Cameras in Chicago

by | Feb 13, 2021 | Security Systems and Services

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Part of any type of security system is the selection of surveillance cameras in Chicago. In order to make sure the area is covered properly, the owner should pay close attention to the features of those cameras. Here are some points to keep in mind when comparing different options.

Uploading Video to the Cloud

Consider opting for surveillance cameras that automatically upload footage to a secure cloud environment. This works better than relying solely on cameras that download data to a disk or stream video to a computer at the home. While those methods do work fine up to a point, think of what would happen ifa fire or some other event destroyed those physical copies. By uploading to a cloud environment, the footage can be accessed by using unique codes and then copied to some other type of format.

Motion Detection

It pays to ensure that the surveillance cameras are equipped with motion detection capability. Even if the owner has made sure, a camera is strategically located near all major points of entry, a camera that can swivel a little has a better chance of capturing more details about the intruder. That additional data will come in handy when the authorities begin to look for the person who burglarized the home.

Automatic Resolution

If the cameras can compensate for changing conditions like light and weather, it is much easier to always have a clear recording of whatever takes place within the range of those cameras. Since the whole point of having the devices in the first place is to capture helpful information, only consider cameras with automatic resolution. The clearer view could mean the difference between finding the person who committed the crime and never were able to make a positive identification.

For help with choose the right surveillance cameras in Chicago, talk with the team at Alert Protective Services LLC. They can do an assessment of the home and make recommendations for the number and placement of the devices. They can also provide information on different features and how they would enhance the security effort. In no time at all, the cameras will be in place and help make the home more secure.