Tips For Mosquito Control in Spring Hill, TN Backyards

by | Apr 23, 2020 | Pest Control

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There are many reasons why homeowners in Spring Hill, TN should be concerned with practicing mosquito control, even if the majority of their time is spent in the backyard at home.

Integrated Pest Management

If you have a significant mosquito problem in and around your home, it is suggested that you hire a pest control service for mosquito control in Spring Hill, TN. This is something they do using an Integrated Pest Management or IPM method. This approach includes an individualized treatment strategy developed to:

  •     Work most effectively based on the specific part of the mosquito life cycle
  •     Help to eliminate mosquito attractants in the environment
  •     Use only the best treatment possible, limiting the use of pesticides to those that are highly effective in the lowest possible applications.

This is something they do for the customers, but you can also make a difference on your own to help reduce the population of mosquitoes by making smaller changes in your own backyard.

Change the Environment

Different types of mosquitoes prefer different types of water to lay their eggs. A species will either look for permanent standing water, flood water or water in containers.

While it may be difficult to control flood waters, having a sloping yard to maximize draining potential is critical. Removing any standing water from the property is also important and can be done without giving up the look of your landscaping.

The biggest issue tends to be container water. Removing any containers that can hold water or punching holes in the bottom of them to stop water from collecting is a simple fix.

Another factor in mosquito control is to avoid plants that hold water in the base of their leaves. Outdoor bromeliad plants and even hollows in trees can easily collect enough water for the female to lay eggs that will hatch and mature. Removing these plants or filling in these holes can help to limit new populations after pesticide treatment.

Butler’s Pest Solutions is a name you can trust for the best mosquito control or any other pest control service in Spring Hill, TN. Get Free Consultation!