Tips For Reducing Auto Insurance Rates In Fort Myers

by | Oct 27, 2014 | Insurance

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If you’ve recently seen your auto insurance rates spike, you’re not alone. Many Fort Myers residents have seen an increase in their insurance premiums. Many insurance agents feel the premium hikes are due to an increased number of auto accidents, but most residents feel that isn’t true. Regardless of why your auto insurance in Fort Myres rates have increased, there are a few things you can do to decrease your rates.

One easy way to decrease your auto insurance rates is to group all of your insurance policies together. If you currently have house insurance with a different carrier, speak with an insurance agent about grouping them. Many people have found grouping their insurance policies has reduced the total amount they pay for insurance by around twenty percent. Another way to lower your insurance rates is to have anti-theft devices installed on your car. Keep in mind not all insurance companies give a discount when you have anti-theft devices. Therefore, you would need to make sure that you contact them before having anything installed on your vehicle.

Many people have also been able to reduce the cost of their Auto Insurance in Fort Myers by reducing the amount of insurance coverage they have. If you currently carry full coverage auto insurance on a vehicle that is ten years old, and you no longer owe money on it , it may not be economical to continue carrying that amount of coverage. If you reduce the coverage, you will likely cut your insurance rates in half. Keep in mind that if you still have a car payment, this may not be an option, and you would need to speak with your insurance agent to make sure.

It’s clear to see there are things you can do to reduce your auto insurance rates. If you’ve seen your insurance rates increase and would like to lower them, contact Lee County Insurance Agency today. The office will be happy to give you a quick auto insurance quote as well as quotes for your home. A quote only takes a few minutes. If the quote you receive does not provide significant premium reductions, be sure to tell the agent, and they will look for ways to increase your savings.