To Call or Not to Call? Signs That You Need An Ambulance Now.

by | May 9, 2019 | Healthcare

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While most people can tell when another person needs medical care, it can be difficult to determine whether an ambulance is necessary. The following are indications that prompt and professional support should be contacted immediately:

Someone is not breathing. Every second counts when the body’s supply of oxygen to the brain is cut off. In addition to immediate and continuous CPR, an ambulance should be called right away to stabilize and transport the victim.

An elderly person or young child is at risk. In addition to a weakened or underdeveloped immune systems, signs and symptoms of distress can be masked in both the elderly and young. Contact an ambulance right away, as conditions can rapidly deteriorate.

Someone has chest pain. This is not the time to dither between a heart attack and heart burn. Especially if accompanied by shortness of breath, numbness, and/or the ability to communicate, immediate medical care may be the keystone to survival.

Suicidal thoughts. As the stigma of mental health gains attention across the globe, it becomes more and more apparent that psychological distress is inherent to the human condition. When care and compassion are not enough, however, medical support may be necessary to stabilize a loved one experiencing suicidal ideation or attempts. Make every attempt to remain with the patient while you await an ambulance.

You suspect severe burns. While most minor burns can be treated at home, a severe burn requires prompt medical attention. Contact an ambulance right away to avoid aggravating the injury.

If you or someone you know is in need of prompt and professional medical care, please contact Alert Ambulance as soon as possible.