Top Reasons to buy Condos on the Upper East Side with Park Views

by | Nov 1, 2016 | Real Estate

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Buying condos on the Upper East Side usually means that you have finally gotten to the place in the world where you can afford such luxuries. However, you have really arrived if you buy condos on the Upper East Side with park views. If you are wondering just why you should buy one with a view of the park, read on below for a few of the top reasons revealed.

No Drive to Run in the Park

Think about it, if you live miles from the park, you are going to skip your morning runs more often than you actually go on them. If you buy condos on the Upper East Side with Park Views, then the park will be right there staring you in the face when you wake up in the mornings. The gorgeous view should be the right motivation to get you dressed and out the door for your run every day.

The View Itself

Who wants to look out of their windows in the morning, or the evening for that matter, and see a crowded city street? No one! Instead, if you buy your condo with a view of the park, you will be able to look out your window and bask in the beauty that is the Upper East Side no matter what time of day it is. The view might even remind you of why you wanted to live in New York, to begin with.

These are just a few of the reasons that are buying a condo with a park view in the Upper East Side make perfect sense. For more information on how to get your park view, contact the professionals at 252e57 today. Agents are standing by to make your dreams come true.