Top Three Main Advantages of Mastic Siding Installation in Waukesha Wisconsin

by | Sep 4, 2015 | Home Improvement

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A siding project for a commercial or residential building structure not only helps to improve its aesthetic appeal but also its overall resale value. Siding also helps to protect the walls of the building from the mold during the cold season. Quality is key when it comes to siding, and that why it is recommendable to choose Mastic vinyl siding. Mastic vinyl siding is made from PVC, a plastic resin that gives it impact resistance, strength, and rigidity. It comes in a wide range of colors and resembles architectural details that are made from wood. The following are three main benefits of Mastic Siding Installation in Waukesha Wisconsin.

Requires Low Maintenance

After installation, Mastic vinyl siding is virtually maintenance free. The UV light from the sun does not cause vinyl to deteriorate or warp, and there is no paint that will chip or peel off. Additionally, insects will not eat vinyl siding. Thus, there is no need for caulking adjustments, painting or sealing this siding material. The only suggested maintenance for vinyl siding is to power wash or spray washing it at least twice a year

Large Variety of Styles

Mastic vinyl siding comes in an array of styles that can match the architectural theme of any home. Some typical vinyl siding styles include beaded, fish scales, shingles, shakes, board and batten and many more. According to the Vinyl siding Institute, there are more than 350 colors available, as well a wide range of custom trims and finishes. Mastic vinyl siding can be customized to fit the needs of any homeowner and look different from a neighbouring home that also has vinyl.

Highly Durable and Rigid

Vinyl siding can last for many years, unlike cedar and wood cladding that can weather greatly over time. The thickness of vinyl, which ranges from .35 to .55 inches, is essential and can directly relate to its longevity. When a foam backing is adhered to vinyl siding, the level of unpleasant noises is greatly reduced.

There are many other benefits of using vinyl for a Mastic Siding Installation in Waukesha Wisconsin, such increased energy efficiency and affordability. To ensure that a Mastic vinyl siding installation project is handled professionally, choose a siding contractor from Siding Unlimited. For information about Mastic siding installation services, go to Website Url.