Two Major Reasons Why Patients Should Choose Professional Teeth Whitening in Mobile, AL Over Store-Bought Options

by | Apr 10, 2015 | Dentistry

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Your smile says a lot about you. Consequently, a lot of people desire a brighter smile. Unfortunately, life can really take a toll on your teeth and dull their shine over time. This is especially true if you are a smoker or love to eat and drink teeth-staining foods like coffee, wine, or even dark berries. The good news is that teeth whitening can be a ray of hope for those who find themselves having to deal with yellow or stained teeth. However-;as you are probably aware-;there is more than one teeth whitening method available. While you can purchase a teeth whitening kit from your local grocery store, here are just a couple of the benefits of choosing to have your whitening treatments done at a dentist’s office instead:

1. Professional Teeth Whitening in Mobile AL, will more often than not deliver better results than over-the-counter solutions. The teeth whitening gel that comes with store-bought kits usually has a very low concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This means that it will take significantly longer for you to see results-;if you even get any at all. The whitening gel your dentist has access to is much more powerful and will deliver much better and faster results.

2. You may not realize it, but using a teeth-whitening kit can do more harm than good when it comes to your oral health. If you already have sensitive teeth, or you end up leaving the whitening gel on for too long, the teeth whitening gel can actually cause painful sensitivity or make your already sensitive teeth even worse. Visiting a dentist for Teeth Whitening in Mobile AL, means avoiding any possible mistakes that may cause sensitivity. If you do experience sensitivity after whitening, you dentist can give you sound advice on how to soothe it so that it does not become a serious problem for you.

Simply put, a brighter smile can often lead to a brighter future. Having whiter teeth can make your smile look healthier while giving you more confidence. Are you looking to restore the beautiful smile you once had? Allow West Mobile Dental Care to help you achieve your goal. Their dental care professionals will take time to evaluate your needs and present you with options to help you create a smile that will make you feel happy, healthy, and self-assured each and every day.