Most drivers don’t anticipate to find themselves in car accidents, though the majority of American drivers will, in fact, end up on the giving or receiving end of an automobile crash. This is why car insurance is so important. Let’s learn about different types of coverage, what each of them does, and how they’re different.
Liability Coverage
All states across the country require drivers who actively contribute to an accident’s taking place to be liable for their bodily repair and property replacement costs up to a certain amount. Two states don’t require liability insurance, though you’ll still owe the victim money in many cases in these states. Liability coverage is further split into bodily injury and property damage, which mean exactly what they sound like.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage
Assume you’re involved in a two-car accident caused by someone without auto insurance in Valencia, CA. You won’t be allowed to pay your deductible and make off with souped-up, improved vehicles you already owned, if not beefed-up, from-top-to-bottom replacements. Uninsured motorist coverage is often significant in terms of cost, though it’s worth it in the eyes of people who get insurance to be financially protected when unexpected outcomes arise.
We Offer All of These Insurance Policies
Not all insurance agencies providing auto insurance in Valencia, CA, provide all the types of policies listed above, though we do; if you want better auto insurance from a local provider, look no further than us at the Heitz Insurance Agency, located on the World Wide Web at