Understanding a foreign deposition subpoena

by | Jan 19, 2015 | Law

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In the US judicial system a person may be ordered by the court to appear for an interview, the court order is called a deposition subpoena. The objective of a deposition is to allow the parties that are named in a law suit to conduct discovery. Discovery is a pre-trial process that allows the parties to gather information, facts and perhaps evidence that can be used to help the legal team define their strategies once the trial is underway, depositions are also important as potential delays in the trial can often be avoided.

A deposition involves a living witness having questions asked of him or she, the objective of a deposition is to uncover any information the witness may have regarding the case in question and to preserve this testimony. During a deposition the parties involved in the suit are allowed to learn facts that will prove to be important during trial, this eliminates any surprise. This is all well and good if the deponent is located in the same jurisdiction as the court but what happens if this is not the case? If the witness is located in one of the states which have adopted the Uniform Depositions and Discovery Act a Foreign Deposition Subpoena In Las Vegas can be obtained.

With the American populace so fluid, moving between states poses no problems whatsoever, except perhaps for the judicial process. Most attorneys at one time or another will have to conduct discovery out of state or to take a deposition from a witness in the case. Prior to the implementation of the Uniform Depositions and Discovery Act a Foreign Deposition Subpoena In Las Vegas was very complicated and involved convoluted procedures that varied from one state to another. Some states required that the party had to file the notice of deposition in the state where the trial was taking place and the subpoena had to be delivered under the laws of the trial state. In other cases the state required that a deposition was given to the court in the state where discovery would take place after which a subpoena was issued.

With the adoption of UIDDA the procedure has been standardized, now a subpoena for discovery supporting a legal action taking place in another state can be accomplished much easier and under the rules of UIDDA a request for subpoena does not mean that there will be a need for an appearance, the discovery can take place in the law offices of an attorney in Las Vegas.