With cloud web hosting, it is easy for businesses to use extensive computing resources without the need to own any equipment. Cloud hosting makes it easy to use as much or as little resources as you like. This means that you can save money by not paying for more than you actually use. In addition, extra capacity is there for you when you need it.
Public Cloud
Public clouds use data splitting and security measures to ensure that there is no sharing of data. Clients are not able to access one another’s data. Since the cloud management software ensures private data, working with a public cloud is right for most applications.
Private Cloud
When privacy is a major concern, the private cloud is the preferred option. The private cloud designates some of the resources on the network, such as physical computers, only to the particular client.
Private clouds can be hosted on the premises or offsite with a provider. Either way, the private cloud offers much of the same flexibility for which cloud services are known.
The Advantages of Cloud Web Hosting
Over the past few years, so many people have adopted cloud web hosting because it has so many advantages, such as:
- Reliability – Cloud service runs in a virtualized state that prevents website crashes from a single point of failure through redundancy arrangements.
- Physically secure equipment – Equipment is located in a highly secure data center, typically in a remote location. Therefore, there is no risk to physical security.
- Easily scales – A single client only uses a small fraction of resources in the cloud data center, so additional resources are available if necessary.
- Pay as you use – You only pay for the resources that are actually used unlike with dedicated servers where you pay for more.
- Instant load balancing – Any time there is a sudden hike in demand, the load is distributed over locations and servers. Therefore, access to resources remains quick in all locations.