Understanding Stipulations Of Visitation Through A Child Custody Attorney In McHenry

by | Nov 19, 2024 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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A Child custody attorney in McHenry assists you in fighting to acquire custody of your children. Your attorney presents you with information about each form of child custody and allows you to choose the correct choice for you. You will present your attorney with information related to your divorce case that may affect which parent receives child custody. For instance, any protection orders that were initiated during the divorce case affect the outcome of a child custody case. If you were the subject of a protection order and need assistance in fighting to get custody, contact Bruning & Associates, P.C.

Stipulations of Child Custody

In cases where a spouse is a risk to the child, the judge will rule against him or her. However, it is necessary for the opposing spouse to present evidence of this risk to the judge. Once the evidence is presented the judge will address stipulations within the child custody case. For instance, if the parent has a drug or alcohol dependency, supervised visitation may become a stipulation when child custody is awarded to the opposing spouse.

Local Child Custody Attorney

Bruning & Associates, P.C. presents you with assistance in your child custody case. This attorney can help you by explaining the most effective methods used to acquire custody. For instance, if your spouse presents a risk to the well-being of your children, you may address this risk in your petition. When necessary this attorney can contact the appropriate agencies to conduct an investigation that will present additional evidence in your child custody case. To hire your attorney call them locally or visit his website for further details.


With a Child custody attorney in McHenry, you have an effective chance of acquiring custody of your children. An attorney presents you with concepts that allow you to choose the correct form of custody that meets your requirements. If you and your former spouse cannot agree on child custody through mediation, then a child custody trial is scheduled. Your attorney can assist you in fighting this battle based on facts related to your divorce trial. To discuss this matter further with an attorney contact Joseph Mendoza immediately.