Understanding the Basics of Wisdom Teeth Removal

by | Dec 17, 2018 | Dental Health

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Although not everyone will need wisdom teeth removed, most individuals end up having this procedure done at some point because there is simply not enough room in the mouth for all of these teeth. Wisdom teeth can crowd out other nearby teeth or can even push on the roots of healthy teeth next to them, causing pain and a myriad of oral problems. Impacted wisdom teeth may not be visible but can cause just as many problems far beneath the surface of the gum line. With wisdom teeth removal in Lincoln Park, you can experience great results, a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile once again.

Most frequently, wisdom teeth are simply pulled just as other unnecessary or diseased teeth are. It is best to do this at the youngest possible age because the roots become stronger over time. We will inject novocaine into the area and use special instruments to loosen the tooth and pull it from the gums.

However, in some cases, you may need a more in-depth procedure. For example, if one or more of your wisdom teeth are impacted, they may need to be cut out of the area. Although this can still be done under local anesthesia most of the time, some of our patients opt for IV sedation to be most comfortable. This type of sedation lets them be anxiety-free throughout the experience while also decreasing pain. Although you can be awake while under the effects of sedation, you will most likely not remember anything about the procedure when it is completed.

Wisdom teeth removal Mississauga may be necessary if these teeth are hampering your oral health. When you choose Chicago Smile Design, you can expect amazing care, compassionate practitioners and beautiful results.