Understanding the Electrical Voltage Level Handled By Electrical Contractors Houston

by | Dec 17, 2013 | Electronics and Electrical

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Electric contractors have always had incredibly responsible and dangerous profession that covers a wide range of work details and job sites. One of their numerous functions is keeping our homes and businesses properly supplied with a clean and steady flow of electrical current to power all the appliances we use daily. While this may sound like a simple task, electricity can be a very dangerous form of energy, plus the high voltages that we make use of magnify these dangers immensely.

Early electric power supplies didn’t always use high voltages to transport electrical power and for many years low voltage DC or direct current electricity was considered much safer for regular use. Sadly, low voltage power systems required a large infrastructure to keep everyone properly connected which eventually made them impractical to maintain. Of course, with today’s technologies a low voltage power grid may actually be feasible and the advent of newer, low voltage electronics could provide investors with the motivation.

On the other hand, our society is highly vested in our current power grid which uses high voltage delivery systems to transport electricity across the nation. This voltage gets stepped down as it gets closer to your home and eventually it is reduced to a level that runs consistent throughout our cities and towns. When installing or repairing electrical wiring our modern Electrical Contractors Houston must be familiar with the different levels of voltage supplied by the power companies. The two main supplies for common usage are a one hundred and ten volt and a two hundred and twenty volt carrier.

Electrical Contractors Houston install wiring for one hundred and ten volt supplies as the standard electrical supply in homes, apartments and some businesses. The higher two hundred and twenty volt supply is used for heavy duty equipment such as water heaters, electric ranges, furnaces, air conditioners and electric dryers. There may be other uses for this high voltage supply, but these are the most commonly found home appliances that operate in that range.

Another level of high voltage electricity installed by contractors such as Brandt Electrical Services is a four hundred and forty volt supply. This high voltage electricity is typically used in commercial and industrial settings that require specific hardware such as the heavy duty electrical bus bar designed to split the power as required.