It is comforting to know that when you go to a used car dealer or to a new car dealer, you are not required to fend for yourself. Prior to 1975, when a person purchased a vehicle, they had little legal support if the vehicle was a complete dud or if manufacturers did not live up to their warranty.
There are entire law firms that are dedicated to guiding individuals through the steps that they need to take in order to benefit from Mississippi Lemon Law. After contacting the firm, lawyers discuss what is needed to help their client move their case along. One of the most important tools that an individual who feels their rights have been violated has are repair records.
After attorneys are able to review these records, they can help their client see if the Mississippi Lemon Law applies in their case. In most instances, the goal is to try to resolve the case without needing to resort to litigation. If a client has a strong enough case, the dealer or manufacturer may want to settle to resolve things as quickly as possible. It is usually in their best financial interest to do so.
If an agreement cannot be met, then a case may need to be brought to trial. In most cases, the lawsuit will be filed in a county that is close to where the individual bringing the lawsuit lives.
Learn more about Lemon Laws and how Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® offers affordable legal representation by visiting their website.