Understanding Why You Need A Pump Inspection In Illinois

by | May 30, 2017 | Safety Equipment Supplies

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In an integral part of your establishment’s fire safety system Is finding the best pump inspection Illinois has to offer. A fire pump is needed when the local tap water source is not powerful enough to handle a sprinkler system. Putting out a fire will certainly need high pressure to be extinguished in a timely manner.

Powering a pump

Only diesel engines or electric motors are powerful enough to apply the pressure required for a fire extinguishing system. When a fire occurs on the inside, the detection system will trigger the sprinkler system to saturate the offending fire. Without the help of a reliable pump, the sprinkler system may not be thorough enough to put out a blazing fire. When it comes to pumps and contracting a reliable company to perform a pump inspection, Illinois businesses must be attentive.

What to expect from inspection

NFPA 25 is the code of the inspect standard that all inspectors must abide by for fire pump inspection. Illinois companies that will send out professionals to inspect your system should be crosschecked to see if they are in the know with this set of guidelines. In most states, inspectors will need to be certified that they can abide by these water pump inspection guidelines.

Inspections may be carried out by weekly or monthly intervals. The fire pump system, in particular, will be required to be inspected weekly in most states. The housing, louvers, and heating system will also need to be checked regularly.

The need for a professional

Whether you have a jockey pump or a vertical turbine, every pump will need to have regular inspections. You may train your own in-house employee to do such inspections, but such a delicate matter is best left to the professionals. You have the moral responsibility to make sure your building is safe from fires, legal compliance aside.