Mobile homes in the Texas area have always been quite popular given their affordability. However, aesthetically speaking, they didn’t always have a great deal of appeal. While there have been some trends over the past that have increased the aesthetic value of mobile homes, perhaps no trend in making mobile homes look better compares to what Platinum Cottages have been able to do with their line of homes. The fact is if people are looking for decorative yet mobile Homes For Sale in Houston TX, this option may be something to seriously consider.
These mobile home cottages offer exterior details like wraparound porches, French doors and multiple windows so that there is no shortage of light flooding into the home. In addition, they also offer custom designs to ensure that the mobile home is exactly to the specifications of the owner. Whether the customer wants a huge home or something minimal, Platinum can handle virtually any task put before it.
In addition to standard size mobile home cottages, Platinum also can design tiny homes. These types of mobile homes are particularly popular for people who are looking for the utmost in minimalist style. These small homes can be expertly designed to include some of the modern conveniences of a home, only on a much smaller scale.
These homes have the benefit of being particularly mobile and can be moved without a great deal of fuss. In addition to this, they are quite affordable compared to other tradition mobile home construction. In some cases, more customized models can increase the price, but they are still surprisingly affordable for people looking to minimize how they live.
As you can easily see, when it comes to Homes For Sale in Houston TX, there’s a lot to consider. There are plenty of standard homes to choose from, but if you’re looking for something a bit more mobile, but you don’t want a standard unadorned mobile home, there are homes that will fit your preferences perfectly. Whether it’s decorative cottages or custom built tiny homes, Platinum Cottages has something for you. If you want to know more about what these custom builders have to offer, check out visit website or their Facebook page.