If you run out of your safety net of cash or don’t have this type of cash tucked away for emergencies, you may need to inquire about payday advance installment loans. This type of loan can be acquired fast when you have an unexpected auto repair or medical bill that needs to be paid quickly.
Covering Emergency Expenses
There may be times in life when you have an emergency appear. You might be driving your car and have the engine stall, which leads to a hefty auto repair bill. Whatever the circumstances, it’s good to know that there are payday advance installment loans available to help you in this type of situation. They can cover emergency expenses by getting you money fast.
Simpler Application Process
Attempting to get a loan from a bank means you’ll need to go through the traditional process that can take a long time. Fortunately, you can get the money you need quicker by utilizing payday advance installment loans. Having a regular income source that’s at least $1000 per month, being at least 18 years of age and having a checking account with a credit union or bank are the requirements needed to get this type of loan.
Get Your Money Faster
Using this type of service can get you money for your emergency fast, which can be highly beneficial when you need to pay for an unexpected medical expense, car repair or other types of bills. Providing a pay stub that shows your current proof of income will be required to apply.