If you are in the process of trying to get pregnant or have experienced fertility issues, fertility acupuncture in Vancouver clinics offer can often assist in successful conception. Acupuncture has been known to assist in many fertility issues including those caused by thyroid related conditions.
Help with Infertility
Acupuncture will not be the answer for all challenges that lead to infertility. If you have issues such as tubal adhesion acupuncture is not a treatment that will help. However, if you are looking for a treatment that can assist in improving function both follicular and ovarian, acupuncture can be an effective treatment. Acupuncture can also promote blood flow increase that can assist in developing a rich lining in the endometrium. The most commonly treated fertility challenges using acupuncture include:
* Spasmed tubes
* Follicle hormone issues
* Miscarriages
* idiopathic infertility
* Luteal phase defect
* Hyperprolactinemia
* PCOS with anovulatory cycles
* Sperm related issues
Starting Acupuncture Treatment
If you wish to pursue fertility acupuncture in Vancouver area acupuncturists are not all well versed in this particular area. It is important to look for a clinic that lists fertility acupuncture as part of their specialties. Acupuncture is a process that works well as a medical intervention over time. The sooner you decide to get pregnant, the sooner your treatment should begin. If you are going to be undergoing insemination, in vitro fertilization (IVF), or donor egg transfer treatments it is advised you begin acupuncture at least four months prior to your treatment to get the best therapeutic effect.
Length of Treatment
As you may be aware, it is most common for miscarriages in the first trimester. For this reason, acupuncture treatments are often applied during the first trimester. Your acupuncturist will discuss your concerns and what you are trying to accomplish with your treatments. If you are looking for aid to complement your Insemination, IVF or using an egg donor, the treatment required will be different compared to acupuncture to help you carry your baby to full term.
Acupuncturists are trained to understand where needles should be applied based on your health concerns. There are areas they will avoid for pregnant women and areas they will focus on based on the reason you are seeking treatment. The risks associated with acupuncture are minimal and working with an acupuncturist with special interest and understanding of fertility acupuncture in Vancouver is your best bet.