In general, an air conditioning break down will occur at the worst possible time, on one of the hottest days of the year. By keeping an eye on your system, you will be able to keep issues from becoming disastrous. You should also find a reputable company that can come out and provide maintenance for your system every so often to make sure everything is in good working order. Here are a few signs you need air conditioning service in Moore OK.
Continuous Running
One of the most obvious signs you have a problem with your air conditioner is continuous running of the system without shutting off. Usually, a faulty thermostat is to blame for this and should be replaced immediately to reduce further damage to your HVAC unit. If you leave this problem unattended, your system could become damaged so badly it has to be replaced. A system that runs constantly will wear out internal parts much faster, which will eventually lead to a breakdown that will need to be fixed by a professional. Calling in a professional will allow you to catch issues early, which can help to save you a lot of money in the long run.
Rising Energy Bills
Another fairly obvious sign you need Air Conditioning Service Moore OK is consistently increasing energy bills. As your unit gets older and is neglected of regular service, it will start to have to work harder to produce the same amount of cool air as it used to. Keeping a home cool during the summer months is a hard job, especially when you haven’t had the maintenance you need. If you start to notice your light bill increasing at a rapid rate, call in a professional to fix your problem before your energy bills break the bank.
If you find yourself in need of a good air conditioning service Moore OK, look no further than TS Heat & Air. They have many years of experience in the industry that they can put to work for you, repairing your system or installing a new one. You can call them, or visit their website,