Ways Seeing a Specialist in Gum Disease in Louisville, KY Can Be Beneficial to a Patient

by | Dec 5, 2013 | Dentists

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A person can develop gum disease due to a number of circumstances in their life. People who smoke, are stressed, eat poorly or have diabetes are often prone to develop issues with their gums. In addition, those people who have misaligned teeth or who have bad dental habits may also develop the disease because of the bacteria and other microorganisms that remain on the teeth and work their ways into the gums. Gum disease generally shows up in a person’s mouth as gums that are swollen and red, which bleed easily. They may also have bad breath and other issues as well. Anytime a person notes any of these conditions, he or she should see a dentist that handles Gum Disease in Louisville, KY as soon as possible.

A dentist will generally need to spend some time in examining the patient’s teeth to determine the extent of their issue. Some people with this condition may only have mild forms that a simple dental cleaning can help in correcting. However in some cases, the condition may be more severe and so a dentist will need to do a complete examination of the patient’s mouth and most likely take x-rays to determine how deep the problem is. Once a dentist who handles Gum treatment at Springhurst Dentistry has determined the depth of the problem, they will then need to work on helping the patient to prevent the problem from continuing to grow.

If the gum disease is because of other factors such as smoking or stress, the dentist will need to talk to the patient about ways they can help to reduce or remove these issues from their life. Medical conditions and issues regarding nutrition will generally require the assistance of other types of professionals. If the patient has issues with dental hygiene due to teeth being crowded or due to the way they have grown in the mouth, the dentist handling their issues with Gum Disease in Louisville, KY may need to consider other treatments to realign the teeth so the issue does not reoccur.

Once a plan is devised from stopping the gum disease from growing, the dentist can then work at trying to fix the issues that the disease has caused in the patient’s mouth. This can involve repeated treatments involving deep scaling and root planing. Surgery may be needed in severe cases.