Weighing Risks and Benefits for Knee Pain Treatments in Aurora, IL

by | Nov 30, 2023 | Pain Control Clinic

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If you’re searching for knee pain treatment in Aurora, IL, you’ve undoubtedly discovered just how many options are out there. Each seems to offer a path to relief. But each also has a number of unknown variables. Choosing one requires answering an important question. What are the potential risks and side effects associated with pain management medications and treatments?

Surgery comes with the most significant risk factors. Knee surgery can create everything from infections to nerve damage and deep vein thrombosis. And implants can loosen or wear out over time. Those issues can, paradoxically, create rather than dampen pain. Invasive techniques carry inherent issues due to the fact that they require damaging the body in order to heal it.

There are the previously mentioned issues with potential infection, long recovery times, and maintenance on implants. Medications can bring similar problems as they’re often intended to interfere with the body’s natural responses. This is especially true for many painkillers which have additional risk factors for addiction.

In summary, what are the potential risks and side effects associated with pain management medications and treatments? The risks are essentially tied to the nature of invasive techniques. But this is also why the non-invasive techniques found with knee pain treatment in Aurora, IL are so popular.

Newer restorative techniques operate instead by boosting your body’s ability to heal from injuries. This also decreases your musculoskeletal pain during the healing process. Discover non-invasive pain management options with QC Kinetix (Aurora IL). View Testimonials