What Can Happen to a Person in Fernandina Beach If They Die Without a Will?

by | Feb 25, 2022 | Uncategorized

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The thought of preparing a will is never a pleasant one. This explains why a lot of people put off talking to a Fernandina Beach wills and estates attorney. When you plan your will, you put yourself at ease knowing that death is inevitable. Sadly, statistics show that two out of every five Americans who are 45 years of age or older do not have a will.

An appointment with a Fernandina Beach wills and estates attorney is important. It allows you to put your wishes on paper, which can protect your family from unnecessary hassle. While you are alive, you have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that any possession you have is going to end up in the hands that you want it to.

The laws governing will creation vary from state to state. In Florida, a person must be 18 years of age or older or have been deemed a mature minor in order to draft a will. It is good for you to become familiar with these laws and speak to your attorney.

Something that is worse than thinking about preparing your will is thinking about what will happen if you die without a will. You will become intestate. This means that it is going to be the state that decides who gets your property and other possessions based on the laws of the state.

Learn more about planning for your future and see how Forefront Law has been providing personalized legal services to meet the needs and goals of families and individuals by visiting this website.