What Goes into Designing Custom Swimming Pools in Marana, AZ?

by | Mar 9, 2018 | Swimming Pool Contractor

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Swimming pools are a welcome addition to just about any backyard. They give you a place to gather and spend time with your family. They also give you somewhere to relax or exercise, depending on your preference. However, no two swimming pools are the same. That’s why custom swimming pools are such a great investment. The swimming pool needs to be designed in a way that fits your backyard and your needs as well as it can. That means that you need to work with professional swimming pool contractors to design the right pool. There are going to be several considerations and a few constraints on your swimming pool construction that you should consider.

Swimming Pool Construction

The constraints on construction have to do with the size of your backyard, the amount of space you have, and the shape of the pool you would like. For example, swimming pools that are rounded or curved are popular for making shapes that fit more easily in non-standard backyards. They can be designed to wrap around the side of a house or wedged into tighter spaces. However, tile doesn’t curve; therefore, if you want a tile swimming pool, you’ll need to make sure it is constructed in a way that the tile can fit. Right angles are best for tile custom swimming pools in Marana, AZ. However, concrete can be used for just about any shape.

If you’re looking for a good contractor, you should consider Dusty Duds Excavation & Construction Inc. They build swimming pools in all shapes and sizes.

Swimming Pool Use

The use you plan to get from your custom swimming pools will also help determine how they are built. If you plan to exercise, a long and skinny swimming pool is best. If it’s for playing games with the family, something more rounded might be appropriate.