What Goes into Good Landscape Design?

by | Dec 6, 2022 | Landscaping

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You are looking to improve the landscaping of your home so that is is more pleasing to the eye.  But, how is this done?  In essence, what exactly constitutes good landscape design?  Learn about some elements that make up good landscape design below.


An important element of good landscape design in Asheville, NC and other locations is keeping it simple.  This does not mean that the landscape cannot have complex elements to it, such as extensive lighting, water features, and such.  

No, what simplicity means is that there are only so many curves, textures, shapes, and colors that are used in your landscape.  If you use too many, it will seem too cluttered and too mind-boggling for most people to comprehend, making them uncomfortable and even exhausted from observing such a scene.  Keeping the landscape design simple is likely to make people comfortable at your residence and make them happy to be there and to come back often.


Like virtually any creation, whether it is a story, a movie, or a landscape, you want the viewer’s attention to be led to a specific spot first.  This is sometimes called the focal point.  This point is the strongest element in the landscape, as well as the place that the viewer will naturally turn his or her attention to.  

For instance, a home’s focal point is usually the front door, since that is where most people will look to first when they arrive at a home.  Therefore, a landscape’s focal point should be somewhere near the front door and help to accentuate that entrance.