Personal injury claims are filed when someone suffers some kind of loss or harm because of another person’s actions or inaction. These cases include claims can recover money for medical costs, lost wages, and suffering and pain for the injured party.
There are several types of personal injury claims. For example:
Slips and falls are the most commonly-seen type of accident/injury in personal injury claims. These accidents are usually linked to:
- Tripping over cracks in sidewalks
- Spills in commercial locations
- Tipping on private property
- Objects falling from above
Many of these cases can seem simple on the surface but some get very complicated. It’s important to have a personal injury attorney to help you understand what is a personal injury claim?
Auto Accidents
Auto accidents are another of the most common types of personal injury claims. They include accidents caused by:
- Texting and driving
- Operating a vehicle while under the influence (of drugs or alcohol)
- Driving dangerously/swerving into another lane or oncoming traffic
- Running red lights or stop signs
- Turning into your lane/path at the last second
- Many other things which can easily lead to a collision
Working with a personal injury attorney ensues you receive the support you need.
Product Liability and Defective Products
These cases refer to many different things and be difficult to win because they rely heavily on the evidence that you have concerning what was defective about the product/equipment and how it led to your accident.
Medical Malpractice
Medical cases are extremely complex and can be difficult to prove. They can involve anything from:
- Misdiagnosis
- Operations being performed on the wrong body part
- Operating on the right body part, but doing so incorrectly or negligently
The evidence required in these types of cases is extremely high – as you would need to prove that there was something wrong with the treatment/diagnosis that was performed.
Want to know more about what is a personal injury claim? Contact a personal injury attorney in Baltimore, MD today.