What is cosmetic dentistry in Parker CO?

by | Jan 18, 2024 | Dental Health

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A person that does not have a winning smile often cannot live up to their full potential because of a lack of confidence. Cosmetic dentistry in Parker CO can change all of this as there are now a host of dental procedures that can whiten and brighten your teeth, bringing your confidence back to its full potential.

The term “cosmetic dentistry” covers a range of different dental procedures. The objective of all these procedures is to restore your teeth to their natural look and brightness. As well as returning your teeth to their original beauty, there are procedures that can restore missing teeth or correct crooked teeth. If your teeth are bad then cosmetic dentistry in Parker CO can enhance your looks and your smile.

It may fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry today but you may have actually had cosmetic treatments in the past and not realize it. If you have even had a crown fitted or cavities filled with tooth colored filling material then you have had cosmetic dentistry performed. Today there are other procedures that can address various problems, if you are not happy with what you see in the mirror, after a few visits to the cosmetic dentist you will see a world of difference.

Over years teeth can become stained even though they are brushed regularly. To restore teeth to the original brightness a procedure known as tooth whitening is now available. The teeth are subjected to a solution that bleaches the dentin which is the layer under the enamel which is naturally porous. Teeth whitening in Parker CO can not only eliminate stains it can give those who were born with dark teeth whiter teeth in just a matter of a few short treatments.

Other cosmetic dental procedures can be employed to eliminate the small chips and surface cracks that appear on teeth. Porcelain veneers are extremely thin individual pieces which are made to fit on the face of the tooth. If you have metal fillings that show when you laugh, these can be removed and replaced with tooth colored material. If you have a problem with too much gum showing when you smile, this too can be corrected by trimming the gums.

The amount of time to have the various procedures depends on the procedure itself. Simple tooth whitening can often be done in one sitting while getting a tooth implant make take several months.

Cosmetic dentistry in Parker CO can have a positive impact on the way a person looks at life; a big, bright smile changes a person’s whole attitude.

If you are unhappy with your teeth and your smile then cosmetic dentistry in Parker CO can fix that. For a complete explanation of all the procedures available you are invited to call Holly B. Sletten DMD for an appointment.