What May Interfere with Your Marriage Counseling in Newport Beach CA

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Health

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There are a number of different factors that can determine if your work with a Marriage Counseling Therapist in Newport Beach CA is successful. This often leads to the question of why there are some cases where counseling works, and other times it does not.

While counseling is not an exact science, or a miracle cure, the majority of people can benefit from it. However, there are still a few couples that simply do not seem to reap any benefits from working with a Marriage Counseling Therapist in Newport Beach CA . Below are some of the reasons why counseling may not be successful.

One of the primary reasons that therapy does not work out, is if one of the partners is just seeking permission to get a divorce. Some people may state that they want to be able to tell their children that they tried everything before resorting to divorce, even if they had no intention of trying to make the therapy work. Others may just seek validation from a therapist that divorce is the only option. It’s important to approach counseling with an open mind, as it may not be effective if you are not willing to engage in the process.

Another reason the services offered by a Marriage Counselor‎ may not be successful is if the only goal you have is to prove your spouse is wrong. If you attend counseling to simply state all the tings your spouse is doing wrong, this will not be an effective use of time. In order to improve your marriage, you have to be willing to listen and change yourself.

You must also come into counseling with an open mind. If you want to benefit, you have to be willing to hear suggestions from the therapist, utilize the ideas and feedback and listen to what your spouse and the therapist has to say. If you are not ready to change, then there is no magic fix that therapy will offer.

Also keep in mind that change is not something that will happen overnight. Instead, you need to properly prepare and take action. It is something that you and your spouse will have to invest time into if you really want your marriage to work. If you are ready to learn more about how counseling can be beneficial for your relationship or marriage, visit Dr. Jeanne Michele . This will provide insight that will pay off in the long run.