What Patients Need To Know About Root Canals In Sparks, NV

by | Apr 29, 2016 | Dentistry

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In Nevada, dentists perform a variety of procedures to save damaged teeth. These procedures may include options as simple as fillings and as complex as surgery. The last resort to save a severely-damaged tooth is to perform a root canal. Local dentists provide Root Canals in Sparks NV for patients who need this last chance.

Why are Root Canals Performed?

Root canals are performed when the patient has severe tooth damage. It is the last opportunity to save the tooth in most cases. It is performed when all other measures to correct the damage have failed. Patients with exposed nerves may need this procedure to eliminate severe pain and discomfort. Nerve damage could also play a role in the need to undergo the surgery.

Steps for Performing the Root Canal

The root canal surgery may require the dentist to sedate the patient. These procedures are complex and can become quite painful. Patients with anxiety should choose sedation to lessen the stress of the procedure.

The dentist drills into the tooth to break open the surface. They create a large hole to allow them to remove the nerve and the pulp completely. Essentially, the tooth is hollowed out and cleaned completely. The dentist removes any decay that is present on the affected tooth.

The last steps require them to inject porcelain or a composite resin into the tooth to fill it in. The dentist uses the resin to seal off the tooth. For excessively damaged teeth, the dentist may also install a crown. When this is necessary, the dentist may use an abutment to secure the crown more effectively and seal off the tooth.

The Outlook After a Root Canal

The success rate for root canal procedures is 95%. However, conditions such as a crack in the tooth’s root could lead to complications. The patient should schedule an appointment if they experience any issues following the procedure.

Nevada dental patients need to undergo root canal surgery when their tooth is severely damaged. These procedures are complex and may require sedation. However, they are effective treatment opportunities for saving the affected tooth. Patients who need to undergo Root Canals in Sparks NV should schedule a consultation with their preferred detail professional or Click here for more information.