What Size Automatic Generator Should You Buy?

by | Sep 19, 2017 | Business

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Are you considering purchasing a generator for your home? Have you considered what size generator you should purchase? Do you have a budget for your new generator? Generators can come in a wide range of sizes from 10 kilowatts to 100 kilowatts. Your emergency power needs can be matched to a generator. If you continue reading, you can gain the knowledge you need in making this important choice. It can be a choice that provides you with safety and comfort in the future, specifically when you may experience a power outage.

How Can You Select the Right Size?

The key to selecting the right generator is to know what it is you want to run. Do you want to run heat, the microwave, the television, or a coffee pot? If that’s the case something on the smaller end of the spectrum may do the trick. If you want power throughout your entire house, you may need a larger generator. If you experience a power outage and still would like to continue on with your normal everyday life, you may want to consider a generator that can provide you with sufficient power. You may need a larger generator if you want to have power for refrigerators, air conditioning units, hot tubs, freezers, and large capacity water heaters.

Choosing a Generator that Alternates

By alternating when these big wattage items start up, a load management feature can help fewer kilowatts go further. You can ask a seller if the unit you are interested in has this feature. You can find the perfect generator by informing a company what items you would like to provide power to and the square footage of your home. It is important that you work closely with your distributor or dealer to get the best deal and most effective generator. A guardian automatic generator in Elmhurst may be able to provide you with these features.
If you are looking for a guardian automatic generator in Elmhurst, Penco Generators Inc. can provide you with the services and products you need.