What To Do When Someone You Know Gets Out Of Rehab

by | Feb 28, 2017 | Health

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When someone you know is getting out of rehab, it is easy to get a little nervous about how to act around them. After all, you do not want to cause them to relapse, but you also don’t want them to feel like you are being careful because of them. Knowing what to do and what not to do around someone coming from rehab is important to their success since they have been out of the real world for some time and will have to re-adapt.

Get Educated

Find out from the rehab facility if they offer any type of educational programming. Many facilities will offer classes to friends and family of patients in order to help their patients re-adjust to society. Since you will be one of the people they are interacting with the most, knowing what to do is important. Attending a class or other educational programming in Minnetonka or your area is an important step.

Avoid Their Vice

This one is easier if their addiction was drugs or gambling, but can be difficult for some people when it comes to alcohol. If you are going to drink and your friend or family member is a recovering alcoholic then be polite and do not drink around them. Likewise, if they were addicted to gambling then avoid any trips to the casino anytime soon.

Stay Active

“Idle hands are the devil’s plaything.” It is an archaic saying, but it holds true. By staying active, you will be distracting them from the urge to seek out their vice. For example, if your friend is a recovering alcoholic then a hiking trip, or something to get them out into nature and away from any alcohol is a great way to keep their mind off of it and enjoy the day. The more you can do this the less it will be needed.

If someone you know has been to rehab, then it is important to be supportive and help them through their recovery.

If you are looking for educational programming in Minnetonka, then contact River Ridge. You can find out more online at http://www.riverridgemn.com.