What to do While Waiting for Air Conditioning Repair in Columbia

by | Aug 14, 2020 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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The air conditioner is not working, but a repair service has been called. Now it is just a matter of managing to stay reasonably comfortable until the air conditioning repair in Columbia takes place. Here are some basic tricks that you can try to help keep the temperature inside the home a little more comfortable.

Use Fans for Air Circulation: Fans can help keep the air circulating through the home. When there are ceiling fans in the rooms, check to see if they have reverse settings. If so, they can be used to draw warmer air closer to the ceiling. At the same time, they will help to pull fresh air through the open windows. When box fans are available, place them in windows that are not receiving direct sunlight. The ideal scenario is for those windows to be shaded with the aid of awnings or trees.

Pulling air from shaded areas near the windows is usually a little cooler than the air that comes in windows currently receiving direct sunlight. When it more practical to set the box fan on the floor, consider placing a bucket of ice in front of the running fan. The air will flow over the ice and chill slightly. This strategy allows anyone in the home to catch an occasional cool breeze by sitting near the fan.

Using Cold Washcloths: In the days before air conditioning, many people would keep a wet washcloth in the freezer.

The cloth could be draped around the neck and help provide some relief from the heat. This approach still works very well today. For the best results, keep several washcloths in the freezer. Doing so makes it easy to reach in and get a fresh one when the cloth currently in use begins to get a little warm. All these tips are intended for short term use. The best approach is to contact a service offering air conditioning repair in Columbia that can respond in 24 hours or less.

Browse Harster Heating & Air Conditioning and find out more about how to schedule a service call and make preparations for that call. Doing so will mean that delays are kept to a minimum, and the main cooling system will be up and running as soon as possible.