Obtaining Dental Care Services in Stuart FL on a regular basis is essential to maintain the health of your gums and teeth. In fact, it is suggested that you schedule a dental check-up at least every six months. When you schedule a dental care appointment, knowing what to expect at the visit can help to ease tension and apprehension.
The Check-Up
During the check-up process, your dentist will check your teeth for cavities and any areas of plaque build-up. Plaque is a sticky and clear layer of bacteria. If it is not removed, it will harden and become what is known as tartar, which is not able to be removed by flossing and brushing. If large amounts of plaque and tartar are allowed to build-up on your teeth, you will be at risk to develop oral disease.
After careful inspection of your teeth, your dentist will move on to your gums. The space between the teeth and gums will be measured with a special type of tool. If you have any type of gum disease, the space between teeth and gums will be deeper. When you schedule regular dental visits, these problems can be detected early on to prevent them from becoming worse.
The Cleaning Process
During your visit, you will have your teeth professionally cleaned. Your dentist will remove any accumulated tartar through a process known as scaling. Once your teeth have been scaled, they will likely be polished. This is done with a gritty type of paste that will help to remove any stains that are present. Flossing is the final step that a dentist will take to clean the spaces between your teeth.
Between Visit Care
It is important that you practice good oral hygiene in between visits. This includes brushing your teeth a minimum of two times a day and flossing each day. A mouth rinse will also help to get rid of any plaque bacteria that are present and help to freshen your breath.
When you schedule Dental Care Services in Stuart FL be sure to listen to the advice of your dentist. They will give you tips to help prevent oral diseases from happening. For more information visit Treasure Coast Dentist: Dr. Horan, DMD.