Pests such as insects invade homes in search of food, water, shelter, and nesting locations. While some insects can bring disease and destruction with their presence, others are simply annoying. One of these irritating home invaders is a centipede. By learning about this arthropod, a homeowner can learn to identify it and help prevent its presence. The following details will assist with this task.
Identification of a Centipede
Centipedes in Marlboro NJ usually live outside. However, these insects can find their way into homes through cracks and crevices. A centipede has an elongated body, slender in build. The head of a centipede is flat or round, or both. The body of this insectivore has many body segments. A centipede can have anywhere from 15 to 177 body segments. Each segment has a pair of legs that extend from each side. Many centipedes are brownish and blackish in color. However, the house centipede tends to be yellowish in color.
Ways to Prevent Centipede Invasion
These arthropods invade homes through holes. Take some time to assess the condition of your home’s interior and exterior. Use caulk or other material to seal cracks and crevices. Look along pipes and door sills for openings. This may take a bit of carpentry work. Also, dry up damp areas. Since centipedes prefer dark, damp areas, it’s beneficial to look at pipes for leaks. Cutting off a water source can deter the presence of centipedes. In addition, traps made with double-sided tape can be used to catch centipedes that walk across them
Controlling a Centipede’s Food Course
A primary reason pests enter homes is to find food. Centipedes in Marlboro NJ feed off insects. To prevent colonies of centipedes from infesting your home, keep your home clean so other pests won’t breed. Avoid using scented cleaning products a majority of the time. Keep food in sealed containers , in the refrigerator, or closed up. Remember that a generally clean home is the best deterrent for bug growth.
By using these tips, a homeowner can identify a centipede and prevent colonies from taking over the home. For information on pest control services, pleas talk to a specialist at Freehold Pest Control. This group of bug control agents offer different services plans to meet customers’ needs.