What to Look For In A Pneumatic Tamper

by | Dec 18, 2018 | Uncategorized

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Pneumatic tampers are an essential tool in applications requiring compacting of the soil. Also known as Bouncing Betties, Pogo Sticks, and Pole Tampers, they consist essentially of a mushroom-shaped foot attached to a long-stroke piston. A pneumatic tamper functions using compressed air. They come in various sizes and are currently available in different models featuring qualities touted by the manufacturers as making them more effective and/or improved in their application.

Essential Qualities

Deciding on what pneumatic tamper to purchase is not difficult if you know what your company needs. Above all, it must meet the specifications of the intended applications. Therefore, when considering the qualities of the various models currently available on the market, always consider the application first. Ask if the tamper is to compact a specific type of soil or a variety of soils. Then, look to see if the particular piece of equipment satisfies other categories including:

Power: How powerful is the machine? Does it meet the minimum and maximum power requirements demanded by your applications?
Speed: Operates quickly
Durability: Is the machine capable of withstanding the punishing forces of operating in even the most difficult environments?
Balance: Is the machine well-balanced?
Handling: Can a single person easily handle the operation of the tamper?
Performance: How well does the equipment perform?
Vibration: How high are the vibration levels of this machine? Keep in mind the link between excessive vibration exposure and such serious health problems as carpal tunnel syndrome, white finger, and arthritis.

Also of importance is the overall design, including effective, seals.

Purchasing a Pneumatic Tamper

When looking at the available models for pneumatic tampers, always consider both the application worker safety. An ideal match between these two variables ensures the work continues without undue interruption. Add to these qualifications, durability, versatility, and capability, and your company is on the way to selecting the best pneumatic tamper possible for the job.