Although dental implants have been around for nearly fifty years, the procedure was not so common due to the cost, and the fact that so few dentists were trained to perform the surgery. Over the past two decades, advancements have been made that have elevated the implants to a more common status. The materials used are totally compatible with the human body, and more dentists have received the necessary training to install these appliances. Dental Implants Middleburg VA area are a serious replacement alternative for those with missing teeth.
A person may want to consider dental implants surgery Middleburg VA in order to replace one tooth, or many of them. The process involves the insertion of a small post made of titanium into the jaw of the patient. The purpose is to mimic the function of a tooth’s root. Over time, the bone in the jaw will wrap around the post, fully securing it in place. A false tooth is then set onto the post after the jaw has healed. A cosmetic crown tops off the dental implant.
Dental implants are advantageous for a number of reasons. Once of the most attractive is the longevity of the appliance, as implants can last for one’s entire life if proper oral health care is maintained. The function and appearance of dental implants are about as close to natural teeth as possible. Implants do not have to be readjusted and do not shift in the mouth, as they are permanent, unlike removable dentures and bridges. Dental implants also offer the benefit of stopping bone loss in the jaw that occurs when a tooth is not present.
When investigating Dental Implants Middleburg VA services, a person is likely to balk at the cost, which can run into the region of several thousand dollars per tooth. Insurance almost never covers this cost. However, one must carefully weigh a lifetime of benefits against this amount. A dentist may also be likely to offer financing options to help pay for the procedure. This process takes a year or more to complete, so paying at each stage is a good option to consider. Click here for more details.