What You Should Know About Eating The Best Sushi Food In Doral FL

by | Feb 7, 2023 | Restaurant

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Eating sushi is a pleasurable experience for many people, and there are ways that you can maximize the pleasure. Not only is sushi a pleasurable experience, but it is also a healthy one. Once you get to your chosen sushi bar, you can follow a few rules in order to make sure you can enjoy the best sushi food in Doral FL.

How To Make The Best Use Of Sushi Flavor.

In order to maximize the best flavors in sushi, there is a certain order to eat it. Ideally you will want to begin with the lighter flavors before moving onto the heavier flavors. White fish tend to have a lighter flavor, and so these rolls or pieces should be eaten first. Then, you can move onto silver and red fish. These have stronger flavors in most cases, so it’s better to eat the lighter flavors of the white fish before getting the stronger flavors on your tongue.

Eating With Chopsticks

Every culture has their own ideas of table manners and etiquette. It is never a bad idea to brush up on your knowledge of etiquette rules when eating sushi. Some things are just considered rude, such as rubbing chopsticks together. Japanese culture believes that the rubbing chopsticks together is intended to break off lease bits of wood. By doing this you are in a sense, telling the restaurant that they are using cheap utensils. If you are finding it difficult to eat with chopsticks. It is perfectly acceptable to eat sushi with your fingers. In Japan, sushi was traditionally eaten with the fingers and not with chopsticks.

How To Deal with Spices And Sushi

While you are eating the best sushi food in Doral FL, you may notice that there are two different types of spices that are served your sushi. The first spice to take notice of is ginger. Ginger is a spice that is commonly eaten between different types of sushi. This helps to clean the taste buds so that you can properly taste the next fish. Wasabi is also often served with sushi. Wasabi may look harmless but it is a hot spice. Should you accidentally eat too much wasabi to the point where your mouth feels as though it is on fire. It is better to breathe quickly through your nose. This action will help the wasabi burn to fade within a matter of seconds.

If you are interested in learning more about eating the best sushi food in Doral FL, contact Ohana Sushi & Fusion.