When to Contact a Hot Water Heater Repair Service

by | Dec 7, 2023 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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If you own a home in Durham NC, at some point, you may need to contact a  hot water heater repair service. The issue could be minor; it could also be serious. The important thing is to have it attended to otherwise, the consequences may be severe. 

When to Contact a Professional

A hot water heater repair service may be required for your Durham NC home if the following indicators are present:

  1. Leaks: Leaks clearly indicate one of several potentially serious problems. These include aging and a loose seal. 
  2. Intemperate water temperature: If the water temperature of your hot water heater fluctuates, no matter how you adjust the thermostat, call in a repair service.
  3. Discolored water: If the hot water leaving your shower head is rust-colored or discolored in any way, the fault may lie with the inner lining of the tank.  appear to be rust-colored. 
  4. Peculiar noises: If the water heater is producing whining, knocking or other alien noises a repair service will be able to pinpoint the cause. 
  5. Low Hot Water Pressure: A common complaint, this may be caused by a defective water heater. It could also have an unrelated reason.

Contact a Repair ServiceIf you notice any of these issues, contact a professional hot water heater repair service in Durham NC. It may be time to repair or replace your hot water heater. An expert will locate and diagnose the problem quickly and efficiently. S/he can then provide you with options.