Why an Austin Felony Attorney Advises Some Clients to Pursue Plea Bargains

by | Jun 7, 2022 | Law

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An Austin felony attorney strives to help clients achieve the most favorable outcome. Sometimes that involves pleading not guilty and bringing the case before a jury. More often, though, criminal defense lawyers and prosecuting attorneys negotiate plea bargains in which the defendant admits guilt. The defendant receives a lesser sentence than would be likely if found guilty in court.

Considering Many Factors

Felony lawyers follow the principle that everyone deserves a fair trial. Thus, they provide skilled legal defense for clients who are guilty as charged. Before an Austin felony attorney begins the plea bargain process, this lawyer considers many factors and discusses the situation in detail with the client.

Guilt and Evidence

Making a deal with the prosecution sometimes is the only reasonable choice. The defendant is guilty. There is strong evidence like surveillance camera footage, DNA samples and the testimony of several eyewitnesses.

Unsympathetic Defendants

The lawyer also may realize that this individual will not be a sympathetic defendant in the jury’s viewpoint. Sympathetic defendants fare better at trial, generally having greater chances of being found not guilty or receiving lenient penalties.

Practical Matters

Practical matters also must be considered. The defendant may be unable to pay the bail amount set by a judge. Some court dockets are so full that the trial isn’t scheduled for months. If the plea bargain sentence avoids jail time or requires only a minimal amount, this is a more practical decision for many individuals.

A person who has been charged with a felony may find an experienced attorney can contact Law Office of Jesse Hernandez for legal help!